The history of our Portland Campus

Although 韦斯特布鲁克大学 has always been located in the same geographic place, 它所在的社区多年来一直是三个不同城市的一部分:韦斯特布鲁克(1831-1870), -迪尔岭(1871 - 1898), 波特兰(1899年至今). The college itself has had five name changes — 韦斯特布鲁克神学院, 威斯布鲁克大专, 韦斯特布鲁克大学, the 韦斯特布鲁克大学 Campus of the University of New England, and the Portland Campus of the University of New England.


韦斯特布鲁克神学院, a co-ed boarding school that existed for 91 years, had its beginnings in September 1830, 肯纳贝克普救主义者协会决定在韦斯特布鲁克的史蒂文平原建立一所促进“虔诚和道德”的学校. 的适用, 他相信所有人都能得救,这与加尔文主义者认为只有神所拣选的人才能得救不同, 希望他们的年轻人有一个不会与他们的宗教信仰相冲突或反驳的教育环境.

 The charter for 韦斯特布鲁克神学院 was signed by Governor Daniel Smith on March 4, 1831. 校园最初的八英亩是撒迦利亚·史蒂文斯(史蒂文平原和现在的史蒂文斯大道都是以他的名字命名的)和奥利弗·巴克利送给协会的礼物. Three years passed before the first class was held on June 9, 1834 in the newly constructed Seminary Building, 也就是现在的校友堂.

“普通英语”的学费是3美元,“语言和数学分支”的学费是4.5美元.“男女学生都有, who were "admitted to equal privileges," boarded in neighboring homes for a dollar and a quarter a week. 为了便于比较, it is interesting to note that Lowell mill workers, many of whom were the same age as the seminary students, 获得了1美元.60 a week, which was considered a good wage.

虽然它是由普救主义者创立的,它的第一位校长是史蒂文的平原普救主义者, 韦斯特布鲁克神学院 did not teach any sectarian doctrine. However, students were required to attend daily devotional exercises and services. After All Soul's (Ludcke) was built, 没有父母书面许可去其他教堂的学生必须参加那里的礼拜. This regulation continued until the 1930s.

Strict rules governed the students' behavior in and out of class. 19世纪末的一份目录中写道,神学院“不适合那些闲散的人”, 任性的, 或者厌恶学习." In 1886, 女学生通知神学院院长,在一个星期内,她们将无视所有她们认为过于严格的规定. 他们忽略的一条规定是,如果他们走到莫里尔角,必须有人陪同或陪同.

到19世纪90年代, 神学院提供四门课程:三年制英语课程和四年制科学课程, 女士的经典, 和准备. 完成了女子古典或科学课程的年轻女性可以获得文科桂冠或理科桂冠, degrees that seemed to be unique to Westbrook. In the last part of the 19th century, 神学院在校友大厅增加了化学和物理实验室,并促进了对体育运动的浓厚兴趣,从而在1900年建造了麦克阿瑟体育馆.


In 1941, 威斯布鲁克大专 women enjoyed equestrianism.

When Clarence Quimby became Seminary president in 1914, 他试图说服校董和教职员工,他们应该把重点放在女子两年制大学教育上. Unable implement his plan, he left in 1920. 五年内, 然而, 男女同校教育的成本和来自其他预科学校的竞争,说服了受托人授权神学院增加两年的女子大学课程. The last co-ed seminary class graduated in the spring of 1925.

Gradually, 大专 added courses of study to its curriculum. By 1936, three years after it dropped its preparatory program, 该机构有11个项目, 其中七门课程让年轻女性能够在大三时转到四年制学院或大学. 威斯布鲁克专科学院以职业为导向的两年制课程的招生人数从1933年的27人增加到1947年的370人.

Because Goddard and Hersey could not house all the students, 专科学院在学院街和史蒂文斯大道为高年级学生购买了房屋,这些学生由住在这些像家一样的小房子里的舍监或教职员工监督. Several of these houses also contained classrooms.

在1960年代, 大专, with the assistance of major grants and federal money, constructed six buildings - Linnell, Ginn, MacDougal, 亚历山大, 凯特, 和科尔曼. 尽管它们体型庞大, the dormitories were easier and less costly to maintain than the numerous smaller houses. They also permitted more regulated supervision of the resident students.


During the seventies, the Art Gallery was the only new building on campus. 校园本身, 然而, 当学院将史蒂文斯大道上的财产换成25英亩的树林和田地时,规模增加了.

Two major academic changes occurred in the 70s. 展望未来,受托人合法地将该机构的名称改为威斯布鲁克学院. 联邦立法规定,实行性别歧视的大学不能获得联邦资金,因此威斯布鲁克学院恢复了男女同校的模式.

The first 韦斯特布鲁克大学 male students enrolled in the 1973 fall semester. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the College continued to build upon the 1970s decisions. 威斯布鲁克坚定地致力于将文科与专业教育相结合的四年制课程. 新的约瑟芬S. Abplanalp '45 Library opened in 1986, contributing to the College's academic strength, while the new Beverly Burpee Finley '44 Recreation Center was completed in 1989, providing sports and leisure opportunities.

A Larger, More Diverse Institution

Despite new programs and buildings, 该学院在20世纪80年代末和90年代初发现自己陷入了全国性的招生趋势,尤其是对小型学院的冲击. By the mid-1990s, College trustees began looking at other institutions for a possible merger.

7月31日, 1996, 韦斯特布鲁克大学 and the University of New England in Biddeford merged, 创建一个更大的, more diverse institution of higher learning. The merger took place under the original 1831 韦斯特布鲁克大学 charter. 当文件被签署时, the combined institutions became 韦斯特布鲁克大学, and 韦斯特布鲁克大学 changed its name to the University of New England.

Interprofessional 健康 科学s Education

Today the 韦斯特布鲁克大学 Campus, 现在被称为波特兰校区, is home to two of the University’s premier 大学.

最近更名的威斯布鲁克卫生专业学院是跨学科健康和保健的典范. 多于1,000名学生, 教师, and professional staff working in graduate programs in Social Work, 医师助理, 药店, 职业治疗, 物理治疗, 与护士麻醉, and with undergraduate students in Nursing and Dental Hygiene, the WCHP honors the academic legacy of 韦斯特布鲁克大学.

2013年秋天, 正规澳门赌场网络牙科医学院在波特兰校区开设了一个最先进的口腔健康中心,欢迎首批牙科学生. As 缅因州唯一的牙科学校, the College of 口腔医学 is meeting the need in Maine, 整个新英格兰, 牙科护理人员.

世界卫生组织也是世界卫生组织的所在地 Interprofessional Simulation and Innovation Center, 它采用高科技病人模拟器,与计算机程序实时集成,这样这些“病人”就可以对学生的行为做出反应,甚至可以围绕他们的护理进行“讨论”. 跨专业模拟和创新中心也在培训该地区医疗机构的卫生专业人员.

另外, the Portland Campus boasts three important Portland 文化 institutions: UNE's 全球人文中心 brings to campus some of the leading thinkers of our time to engage with UNE students and members of the surrounding community; the Maine Women Writers Collection, a pre-eminent special collection of literary, 文化, and social history sources by and about Maine women, was designated a national Literary Landmark and continues to host local women's studies programs and national conferences; and the Art Gallery, 于1998年4月重新开放, 提供一系列正在进行的艺术和摄影展览,并拥有一个杰出的永久收藏.

要了解更多信息, view the 威斯布鲁克大学历史 Collection at UNE 图书馆服务.